Nestan Meskhi
Professor, Honored Artist of Georgia
Nestan Meskhi got the Preliminary music education at the Balanchivadze Musical School in Kutaisi, in the piano class of the teacher Tinatin Pochkhua.
In 1962 she graduated from the Tbilisi State Conservatoire and in 1965 under the guidance of the Professor Anastasia Virsaladze she completed the postgraduate studies at the same Conservatoire. From 1965 she was teaching at Tbilisi State Conservatoire at the special piano department.
In 1979 she became a Conservatoire Assistant-Professor, and in 1968 she was awarded an academic rank of the Conservatoire Professor. Methodical works published by her in the Conservatoire Papers include: "Work on Double Tierces" and "General Overview Technical Advice for Students".
She was a member of the Methodists’ Chamber of the Ministry of Culture of Georgia and conducted the methodological and consulting activities at the musical- educational institutions across the country. She published the articles and reviews in the journal "Soviet Art"; cooperated with the magazine "Music";
in 1976 she was awarded with the honor of the Honorable Artist of Georgia. At different times, she was a member of the Jury of the Tbilisi National and International Competition of Pianists, as well as the member if the Jury of Nodar Gabunia International Competitions of Musicians and Artists. Currently, she is an author and leader of the Georgian Public Radio Broadcasting Program "Classic Hour".